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Kristin Richardson

When a local, small town TV station captures something unexplainable on tape, what happens? The station uses it to boost their ratings, of course. But when they call it a miracle, are they reporting or interpreting?

As this story of a lifetime unfolds, promising young reporter Kelly O'Day (Kristin Richardson) must choose between career goals and personal beliefs, private friendships and professional loyalties, facts and faith.

As her boss Bob (Bruce Drennan) tries desperately to keep up with a rival News Director(Mark Goddard), Kelly must decide - does she fight to follow a murder story that has shaken the community, or does she obey Bob by exploiting this ratings boosting accident? Above all, she must figure out how to pursue a story that no one believes in, while trying to find a mysterious man (Kevin Max), who some say is The Messiah.

But who is this man really? A lowlife drifter? A con man? Or simply a humble servant, quietly spreading hope, faith and kindness in a cynical, suspicious world?

Kevin Max

Soupernatural is a movie that pits faith against reason, newsroom ethics against ratings, personal values against media dictates, and individual responsibility against media credibility. It's a film that examines the local news media, the power it wields, and its effect on people - collectively and individually. But it's also the story of an individual - with a mission to deliver service great or small, to one person at a time. How this can have an even more powerful effect on the world, and how the one story that should be left alone, of course isn't.

When members of the news media get caught up in the frenzied sensationalism of a story, will they realize that they might actually be delivering the truth?